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An innovating and interesting book, outcome from the development of applied Managerial Leadership with innovation of value with highly positive economic results, will be launched on Wednesday November 9, at 8:00 pm, at the main auditorium of Lima Chamber of Commerce.

It is the book “FROM MANAGER TO LEADER: How to link this value chain?” (DE GERENTE A LÍDER ¿Cómo unir esta Cadena de Valor?), a novel essay on Managerial Anthropology, whose author is Dr. Arnold Encomendero Dávalos, COOPETROPERÚ General Manager, and a keen researcher in Comprehensive Planning and Financial Administrative Management with a standing résumé shown on the website: www.arnoldencomendero.com. The foreword of this paramount book is written by Jose Luis Cordeiro, PhD, Founding Professor of Singularity University from NASA, CALIFORNIA in the USA, who was very accurate and eloquent referring to this book: “From Manager to Leader: How to link this value chain?” is an important contribution from its author Arnold Encomendero Dávalos in his nonstop task to synthetize and spread these ideas in our region, since this book is an excellent example of Peruvian, Latin American and world wisdom. It is a “piece of art” that brings us from the past to the future, from Anthropology to Technological Singularity, because, in an increasingly changing world, it does not suffice to BE A MANAGER, but to BE A LEADER to visualize and respond to major challenges and opportunities in the forthcoming years and decades”.

As speakers in the book launch, Dr. Juan Jose Marthans, Director of Post Degree of Piura University, and former SBS (Superintendence of Banking and Insurance) Superintendent and Engineer Alejandro Indacochea, well-known lecturer, researcher and professor from CENTRUM – PUCP, three prestigious professionals, will give their critical appreciation on the book with their hugely recognized professional and technical authority.

That is why COOPETROPERÚ is pleased to introduce this transcendental bibliographical contribution aimed at an authentic, innovating and transforming Managerial Leadership, applied with artificial, emotional and cognitive intelligence. Here it is the competitive difference worthy being recognized and cherished in its real dimension.
COOPETROPERÚ is a financial intermediation cooperative entity that in 2018 will have 50 years of institutional life, and that since 1995 has being sustainably growing with strong levels of liquidity, solvency, efficiency and profitability with indicators highly above those existing in the Peruvian financial market and even international standards as a result of having applied TWO successful tools of business management: the LIDERPLAN Model: a successful comprehensive planning model, and the PETROSIS Mode: an integral financial software.

Thanks to the qualified experience of the General Manager and its qualified managerial and executive staff, COOPETROPERÚ has achieved to increase its medium and long-term development based on the application of specialized professional research with a prompt and wide Management Information System (MIS), a result of having automatized the 100% of all operations and working at 100% with domestic economic resources financed with remaining capitalization and the efficient and effective intake of long-term deposits and CTS (compensation for period of services), because it is one of the few financial cooperative entities that fully meets Resolution SBS Nº 12321-2010 to intake CTS deposits.
It is interesting to confirm with valuable opinions given by well-known consultants and academics, that can be seen on the website www.arnoldencomendero.com, that managerial experience persistently applied with an authentic leadership has been valued with important recognition nation and worldwide which highlight the professional qualified quality of Dr. Arnold Encomendero Dávalos.